Source code for qef.widgets.parameter

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

import lmfit
import traitlets
import ipywidgets as ipyw
import weakref
from import log_qef

[docs]class ParameterWidget(ipyw.Box): r"""One possible representation of a fitting parameter. Inherits from `ipywidgets.widgets.widget_box.Box <>`_ Parameters ---------- show_header : Bool Hide or show names of the widget components `min`, `value`,... """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, show_header=True): def el_ly(w): return dict(width='{}px'.format(w), margin='0px') # minimum block self.nomin = ipyw.Checkbox(value=True, layout=el_ly(125)) self.min = ipyw.FloatText(value=-float('inf'), layout=el_ly(165)) box_ly = dict(border='1px solid black', display='flex', margin='0px', flex_flow='row', width='290px') self.minbox = ipyw.Box([self.nomin, self.min], layout=box_ly) # value element self.value = ipyw.FloatText(value=0, layout=el_ly(170)) # maximum block self.nomax = ipyw.Checkbox(value=True, layout=el_ly(125)) self.max = ipyw.FloatText(value=float('inf'), layout=el_ly(165)) self.maxbox = ipyw.Box([self.nomax, self.max], layout=box_ly) # constraints block self.vary = ipyw.Checkbox(value=True, layout=el_ly(125)) self.expr = ipyw.Text(value='', continuous_update=False, layout=el_ly(275)) # array elements in an horizontal block self.elements = [self.minbox, self.value, self.maxbox, self.vary, self.expr] # Header labels self.header = None if show_header is True: d_lbs = (('-inf', 125), ('min', 165), ('value', 170), ('inf', 125), ('max', 165), ('vary', 125), ('expression', 275)) l_lbs = [ipyw.Label(k, layout=el_ly(v)) for (k, v) in d_lbs] box_ly = dict(display='flex', margin='0px', border='solid') self.header = ipyw.HBox(l_lbs, layout=box_ly) # Layout if self.header is None: box_ly = dict(display='flex', margin='0px', border='solid', flex_flow='row') super(ParameterWidget, self).__init__(self.elements, layout=box_ly) else: box_ly = dict(display='flex', margin='0px', border='solid') b_els = ipyw.HBox(self.elements, layout=box_ly) box_ly.update({'flex_flow': 'column'}) super(ParameterWidget, self).__init__([self.header, b_els], layout=box_ly)
[docs]class ParameterCallbacksMixin(object): r"""Implement relationships between the different components of an ipywidget exposing all or some of the parameter attributes The methods in this Mixin expects attribute :code:`facade`, a dictionary whose keys coincide with tuple :const:`~qef.widgets.parameter.ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names` and whose values are either :code:`None` or references to ipywidgets. Attribute :code:`facade` can be created with function :func:`~qef.widgets.parameter.add_widget_facade`.""" #: Representation of infinity value inf = float('inf') widget_names = ('nomin', 'min', 'value', 'nomax', 'max', 'vary', 'expr')
[docs] def validate_facade(self): r"""Ascertain that keys of :code:`facade` attribute are contained in :const:`~qef.widgets.parameter.ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names`""" fs = set(self.facade.keys()) assert set(ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names).issuperset(fs)
[docs] def initialize_callbacks(self): r"""Register callbacks to sync widget components""" self.validate_facade() for widget_name in self.facade: widget = self.facade[widget_name] if widget is not None: callback = getattr(self, widget_name + '_value_change') widget.observe(callback, 'value', 'change')
[docs] def nomin_value_change(self, change): r"""Set :code:`min` to :math:`-\infty` if :code:`nomin` is checked""" if 'min' in self.facade and is True: if self.facade['min'].value > -self.inf: # prevent cycles self.facade['min'].value = -self.inf
[docs] def min_value_change(self, change): r"""Notify other widgets if :code:`min` changes. 0. Reject change if :code:`min` becomes bigger than :code:`max` 1. Uncheck :code:`nomin` if new value is entered in :code:`min` 2. Update :code:`value.value` if it becomes smaller than :code:`min.value`""" f = self.facade if 'max' in f and > f['max'].value: f['min'].value = change.old # reject change else: # Notify other widgets if 'nomin' in f and > -self.inf: f['nomin'].value = False if 'value' in f and > f['value'].value: f['value'].value =
[docs] def nomax_value_change(self, change): r"""Set :code:`max` to :math:`\infty` if :code:`nomax` is checked""" if 'max' in self.facade and is True: if self.facade['max'].value < self.inf: # prevent cycles self.facade['max'].value = self.inf
[docs] def max_value_change(self, change): r"""Notify other widgets if :code:`min` changes. 0. Reject change if :code:`max` becomes smaller than :code:`min` 1. Uncheck :code:`nomax` if new value is entered in :code:`max` 2. Update :code:`value.value` if it becomes bigger than :code:`max.value`""" f = self.facade if 'min' in f and < f['min'].value: f['max'].value = change.old # reject change else: # Notify other widgets if 'nomax' in f and < self.inf: f['nomax'].value = False if 'value' in f and < f['value'].value: f['value'].value =
[docs] def value_value_change(self, change): r"""Validate :code:`value` is within bounds. Otherwise set :code:`value` as the closest bound value""" if 'min' in self.facade and < self.facade['min'].value: self.facade['value'].value = self.facade['min'].value elif 'max' in self.facade and > self.facade['max'].value: self.facade['value'].value = self.facade['max'].value
[docs] def vary_value_change(self, change): r"""enable/disable editing of :code:`min`, :code:`max`, :code:`value`, and :code:`expr`""" for name in ('nomin', 'min', 'value', 'nomax', 'max', 'expr'): if name in self.facade: self.facade['name'].disabled = not
[docs] def expr_value_change(self, change): r"""enable/disable :code:`min`, :code:`max`, and :code:`value`""" if 'vary' in self.facade: self.facade['vary'].value = True if == '' else False
[docs]def create_facade(widget, mapping=None): r"""Create :code:`facade` dictionary where keys are standard :const:`~qef.widgets.parameter.ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names` and whose values are simple ipywidgets that control the fitting parameter attributes denoted by the standard :const:`~qef.widgets.parameter.ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names`. Parameters ---------- widget: `ipywidgets.widgets.widget.Widget <>`_ mapping : str, dict, or None if `str`, mapping denotes the widget name to be associated with the widget. If `dict`, then `mapping` values are attribute names of `widget`, referencing the simple ipywidgets to be associated to standard widget names. The widget names are the keys of `mapping`. If :code:`None`, an inspection of `widget` attributes will be performed, looking for names that coincide with standard widget names. If the inspection is unsuccessful, the widget will be associated with the standard widget name 'value' to represent the values taken by the fitting parameter. Returns ------- facade : dict """ # noqa: E501 names = ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names # expected widget names if mapping is not None: if isinstance(mapping, str) and mapping in names: # subscribing a non-composite widget facade = {mapping: widget} elif isinstance(mapping, dict): k = set(mapping.keys()) if k & set(names) != k: msg = 'mapping contains invalid widget names' log_qef.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) facade = {name: widget.__dict__[wn] for name, wn in mapping.items()} else: # inspection facade = {name: widget.__dict__[name] for name in names if name in widget.__dict__} if bool(facade) is False: facade = {'value': widget} return facade
[docs]def add_widget_facade(widget, mapping=None): r"""Create :code:`facade` dictionary where keys are standard :const:`~qef.widgets.parameter.ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names` and whose values are simple ipywidgets that control the fitting parameter attributes denoted by the standard :const:`~qef.widgets.parameter.ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names`. This dictionary is added to the input widget as an attribute. Parameters ---------- widget: `ipywidgets.widgets.widget.Widget <>`_ mapping : str, dict, or None if `str`, mapping denotes the widget name to be associated with the widget. If `dict`, then `mapping` values are attribute names of `widget`, referencing the simple ipywidgets to be associated to standard widget names. The widget names are the keys of `mapping`. If :code:`None`, an inspection of `widget` attributes will be performed, looking for names that coincide with standard widget names. If the inspection is unsuccessful, the widget will be associated with the standard widget name 'value' to represent the values taken by the fitting parameter. Returns ------- widget : :class:`~ipywidgets:ipywidgets.widgets.widget.Widget` Reference to input widget """ # noqa: E501 widget.facade = create_facade(widget, mapping=mapping) return widget
[docs]def add_widget_callbacks(widget, mapping=None): r"""Extend the widget's type with :class:`~qef.widgets.parameter.ParameterCallbacksMixin` Parameters ---------- widget: `ipywidgets.widgets.widget.Widget <>`_ mapping : str, dict, or None if `str`, :code:`mapping` denotes the widget name to be associated with the widget. If `dict`, then :code:`mapping` values are attribute names of `widget`, referencing the simple ipywidgets to be associated to standard :const:`~qef.widgets.parameter.ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names`. The widget names are the keys of :code:`mapping`. If :code:`None`, an inspection of `widget` attributes will be performed, looking for names that coincide with standard :const:`~qef.widgets.parameter.ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names`. If the inspection is unsuccessful, the widget will be associated with the standard widget name 'value' to represent the values taken by the fitting parameter. """ # noqa: E501 base_class = widget.__class__ widget.__class__ = type(base_class.__name__, (base_class, ParameterCallbacksMixin), {}) widget.initialize_callbacks()
[docs]class ParameterWithTraits(lmfit.Parameter, traitlets.HasTraits): r"""Wrapper of :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` with :class:`~traitlets.TraitType` allows synchronization with ipywidgets Same signature for initialization as that of :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter`. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the Parameter. value : float, optional Numerical Parameter value. vary : bool, optional Whether the Parameter is varied during a fit (default is True). min : float, optional Lower bound for value (default is `-numpy.inf`, no lower bound). max : float, optional Upper bound for value (default is `numpy.inf`, no upper bound). expr : str, optional Mathematical expression used to constrain the value during the fit. brute_step : float, optional Step size for grid points in the `brute` method. user_data : optional User-definable extra attribute used for a Parameter. """ #: :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` attribute names param_attrs = ('_val', 'min', 'max', 'vary', '_expr') #: :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` feature names param_features = ('value', 'min', 'max', 'vary', 'expr') #: :class:`~traitlets.TraitType` instances in sync with #: :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` attributes trait_names = ('tvalue', 'tmin', 'tmax', 'tvary', 'texpr') #: :class:`~traitlets.Float` trailet wrapping #: :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` attribute :code:`value` tvalue = traitlets.Float(allow_none=True) #: :class:`~traitlets.Float` trailet wrapping #: :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` attribute :code:`_val` tmin = traitlets.Float() #: :class:`~traitlets.Float` trailet wrapping #: :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` attribute :code:`min` tmax = traitlets.Float() #: :class:`~traitlets.Bool` trailet wrapping #: :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` attribute :code:`vary` tvary = traitlets.Bool() #: :class:`~traitlets.Unicode` trailet wrapping #: :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` attribute :code:`_expr` texpr = traitlets.Unicode(allow_none=True)
[docs] @classmethod def feature_to_trait(cls, feature): r"""From :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` feature name to :class:`~traitlets.TraitType` name""" try: return cls.trait_names[cls.param_features.index(feature)] except KeyError: msg = '{} is not a parameter feature'.format(feature) log_qef.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def attr_to_trait(cls, attr): r"""From :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` attribute name to :class:`~traitlets.TraitType` name""" try: return cls.trait_names[cls.param_attrs.index(attr)] except KeyError: msg = '{} is not a parameter feature'.format(attr) log_qef.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def trait_to_attr(cls, name): r"""From :class:`~traitlets.TraitType` name to :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` attribute name""" try: return cls.param_attrs[cls.trait_names.index(name)] except KeyError: msg = '{} is not a valid trait'.format(name) log_qef.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg)
def __init__(self, name=None, value=None, vary=True, min=-float('inf'), max=float('inf'), expr=None, brute_step=None, user_data=None): kwargs = dict(name=name, value=value, vary=vary, min=min, max=max, expr=expr, brute_step=brute_step, user_data=user_data) lmfit.Parameter.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._widget_links = weakref.WeakSet() def __repr__(self): r"""String representation at debug level""" p_repr = super(ParameterWithTraits, self).__repr__() return '<ParameterWithTraits {}>'.format(p_repr) def __setattr__(self, key, value): r"""Setting attributes making sure :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` attributes and :class:`~traitlets.TraitType` stay in sync""" if key in ParameterWithTraits.param_attrs: # attribute of Parameter lmfit.Parameter.__setattr__(self, key, value) other_key = ParameterWithTraits.attr_to_trait(key) other_value = getattr(self, other_key) if value != other_value: # prevent cycling traitlets.HasTraits.__setattr__(self, other_key, value) else: # attribute of HasTraits traitlets.HasTraits.__setattr__(self, key, value) if key in ParameterWithTraits.trait_names: other_key = ParameterWithTraits.trait_to_attr(key) other_value = getattr(self, other_key) if value != other_value: # prevent cycling lmfit.Parameter.__setattr__(self, other_key, value)